New and Effective Resume Styles To Try in 2017
2017 studies show that an average recruiter now takes only about 10 seconds to screen an applicant’s Resume. In fact, it can be even quicker than that on busy days. Obviously so, that is not enough time to make a lasting first impression and score a chance to as least be shortlisted for an initial interview.
Applicants now ask: What is the best approach to achieve a noticeable resume? Experts on the matter don’t really have any conclusive and definitive answer. Most would say, however, that it largely depends on what type of information will be included as such will be the deciding factor in choosing the type of resume to be created. An ordinary basic Resume, for example, may be a safe choice. But, if the real goal is to impress and stand out, some modern or non-traditional types of resumes is the way to go.
Here are a few possible styles that one can take on, in making an exceptional resume:
1. Including Headline and Profile Statements
A headline, sometimes also referred to as the Resume Title, includes a brief phrase that highlights the values of the person as a candidate. The headline is important in communicating to the recruiter the exact position you are interested in. It also allows you to provide a quick summary of what you think sets you apart and what makes you special. Without this, the hiring manager is left without a choice but to dig your resume early and deeper than necessary.
A Profile statement, on the other hand, includes a two or three sentence summary of the applicant’s skills and experiences relating to a specific job opening. This is more of your own “branding” of yourself.
2. Targeted Style
This style customizes the entries of your resume so that it specifically highlights ONLY the experience and skills you have that are relevant to the job you are applying for. It is primarily designed to match the candidate’s qualifications, and as such, you simply appear as the one, perfect fit for the job.
3. Mini Resume
This type contains a very brief summary of your career highlights and qualifications. It is generally used for networking purposes as when a prospective employer wishes to see an overview of your accomplishments rather than a full-length resume.
4. Standard Resumes
This type is ordinary in nature and is the most popularly used of all styles. It can even be further divided into three other types such as:
5. Non-Traditional Resume
This style includes infographics, online portfolios, social media accounts and videos. This is beneficial for the potential employer so that he/she can identify pertinent information and qualifications which he/she would not have a chance to confirm just by looking at the applicant’s
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